In February of 2006 we moved from Palm Beach Gardens, FL to Atlanta, GA. We live on the south side of the city right outside of Peachtree City on 16 beautifully wooded acres. Our home is located on top of a hill that looks down upon a lake which the dogs love to swim in. On the backside of our house is the pool (which like everything else belongs to my kids!) , our outdoor kennel and our new indoor one. The outdoor kennel has 14 spacious runs that are 8 x 20 each in size. To the left of it are seven large exercise pens which are 85 x 85 feet each; all filled with pea rock to keep our Golden's out of the lovely Georgia red clay. To the right, is our indoor kennel which everyone is ecstatic about; the dogs actually prefer to be there than in the main house so thats where we spend a majority of our time these days. On one side of the building, we have 18 pens measuring 5 x 6 feet each on tiled floors with central heating and air. On the other side, we have a full bathroom, two whelping rooms, the kitchen, a laundry room, and a grooming room; again, tile floors and central heating and air are throughout. Due to the constant threat of storms knocking out the power we have installed a Generac Guardian generator which will supply power to the entire building should the electricity go out. This is one fabulous dog house if I do say so myself, and my kids will be the first to agree! I've decided I want to come back as one of my own Golden's in my next life as they have it made! Enjoy your tour of our Golden home and thanks for stopping by!